Organize Your Pantry with filtered Recipes and Voice Assistant
The question we face everyday, even several times a day --what to have it for a meal?
When it comes to cooking at home, there are more things to consider. What to shop from grocery
to prep the meal, what ingredients do I have in my fridge, which to process first due to expiration date,
where to go for a shop, how long should it take to cook...etc. Having an correct answer to these
questions every time is challenging, often exhausting. VUI assisatant CookFrigde, for cooking and
organizing the fridge will make your life easier.
In daily life, there are several barriers and facilitators to cooking from ingredients we already have.
Thinking further more than just a simple question - what to cook, considering available options with
limited resources requires a user to be aware of ingredients stored in a pantry and search for the recipes
that are cook-able. This entire process is time consuming, which becomes one of the main barriers to cook
with raw ingredients. Based on research conducted with 27 semi-structured interviews, age ranging between
18 to 58 years living on the Island of Ireland, shows the result of five barriers and four facilitators
of cooking from 'scratch'. Time pressures, desire for effortless meals and food preferences were three
main factors considered for cooking, which could be a solution to manage food resource effectively with
a diverse recipe.
- Lavelle F, McGowan L, Spence M. (2016). Barriers and facilitators to cooking from 'scratch' using basic or raw ingredients: A qualitative interview study.
Design the tracking system of ingredients stored in the pantry with expiration date and
nutrition information by utilizing a barcode scan or camera feature embedded in the fridge
which enables real-time checking with the IoT platform.
Recipe suggestions with personalized filter and built a dialog flow using Google Assistant Skill
to facilitate users to view and navigate through steps of a recipe with voice interation,
optimizing advatages of VUI and GUI together within the platform.
Design customized recipe suggestions and enhance navigation system via the recipe using voice interatoin.